Overt nudges in blood donation email

Trust thought for today - manipulation, authenticity, trust, nudge

I got this note from the NHS, which to me looks like it has been written by someone who has just gone on an Introduction to Behavioural Science course. This too overt use of multiple nudge techniques is off putting. If it was a company I would avoid it just on principle.

The NHS blood donor app is great, they tell me when they are in the area and off I pop, everything seems to work fine. And if they ran short they would send a thing saying something along the lines of 'we are running a bit short of blood, could you donate again, we are in your area on the x', which I always do.

The fact that it came from someone with the title of Head of Donor Experience also bugged me. But when I looked him up and found he was previously with Starbucks and the Virgin loyalty programme, it all made sense, (but can't seem to tag). This is not NHS tone, it feels off, it is too overt, trying too hard and perhaps that's why. But it will probably result in an uptick and I am just being a total pedant and very unfair!

Interested in your view Roger Miles as to whether it is good BS or merely old style BS?


Why don’t we learn our lessons


Trust and responsibility; in regulatory agencies or parliament